During manual evaluation, observe the interactions of all elements and functionality on the page using a screen reader. Each of the following types of interactions must be announced as follows.
"Custom functionality" for the purposes of this criterion is focusing on non-native HTML functions, like accordions, modals, and dropdown menus. Not buttons, links, or form fields which have native HTML tags.
Announced as "Button" on the element which triggers the accordion. (<button> OR role="button")
The accordion state must be announced as expanded or collapsed (aria-expanded="true/false")
Announced as "Combobox" on the element which triggers the combobox open (role="combobox")
The state of the combobox must always be announced as either expanded or collapsed (aria-expanded="true/false")
Announced as "Tablist" on the grouping of tabs (role="tablist")
If the tab list has a visible label, set aria-labelledby to the id of the labeling element. If not, use aria-label to provide a label.
Each individual tab is announced as "Tab" (role="tab")
The selected tab must announce as selected (aria-selected="true")
Each panel which contains individual tab content is announced as "tabpanel" (role="tabpanel)
Each tabpanel which is not visible must be hidden from the screen reader (aria-hidden="true" and/or CSS display: none;)
Navigation (including Pagination)
Announced as "list"
Any parent navigation item with a drop down must announce expandable content (aria-haspopup="true")
Any triggers to open drop downs must announce as "button"
If there is a visual indicator of the current item in the navigation list, then the element must announce that the user is on the current item (aria-current="page")