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Cornell University

Web Accessibility Reviews

WGAC 2 level A

Related Guidelines

Number Guideline
87 All elements have appropriate accessible names and roles assigned.
88 Iframes which present user-readable content require a title or description.
89 All custom functionality utilizes the appropriate ARIA features for states, properties, and values. (e.g. aria-expanded, aria-haspopup)

Siteimprove Alfa Rules

SIA ID Issues
sia-r11 Links have an accessible name
sia-r12 Buttons have an accessible name
sia-r13 <iframe> elements have an accessible name
sia-r15 <iframe> elements with identical accessible names serve an equivalent purpose
sia-r16 Elements with a role have required states and properties
sia-r17 Elements with aria-hidden="true" are not focusable
sia-r28 <input type="image"> elements have an accessible name
sia-r8 Form fields have an accessible name
sia-r90 Element with presentational children has no focusable content
sia-r94 menuitem has non-empty accessible name