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Cornell University

Web Accessibility Reviews

All Siteimprove Alfa Rules

SIA-R67Images and SVG that are marked as decorative are not exposed to assistive technologies

Accessibility requirements

This rule tests conformance of the following accessibility requirements:


This rule checks that images and SVG that are marked as decorative are not exposed to assistive technologies.


This rule applies to every <img> and <svg> element which is marked as decorative.


  1. The element either is not included in the accessibility tree or has a semantic role of none or presentation.


This rule makes the following assumption:

Accessibility support

This rule has the following accessibility support concerns:



This <img> element is marked as decorative because of its empty alt attribute. It also has a semantic role of presentation because of the same.

<img src="" alt="" />

The alt attribute is ignored when the element has an explicit role attribute with a presentational role, hence this <img> element is marked as decorative and has a semantic role of presentation.

    alt="A decorative image"

This <img> element has is marked as decorative through its role attribute. It not included in the accessibility tree due to the aria-hidden attribute.

<img src="" role="presentation" aria-hidden="true" />


This <img> element is marked as decorative through its role attribute but has a semantic role of img due to the aria-label attribute triggering presentational roles conflict resolution.

    aria-label="A placeholder image"

This <img> element is marked as decorative through its alt attribute but has a semantic role of img due to its presence in sequential focus navigation order triggering the presentational roles conflict resolution.

<img src="" alt="" tabindex="0" />


This <img> element is not marked as decorative.

<img src="" alt="A placeholder image" />