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Cornell University

Web Accessibility Reviews

Lab of Ornithology: Issue

Project Lab of Ornithology
Scope Sponsorships
Sponsor logos
Alt tags on sponsor logos are inconsistently and sometimes inadequate (e.g., "logo" for Wild Delight, and empty alt tag for 3-D Pet Products)

Applicable Guidelines

Guideline Observations Recommendations Testing Actions
Guideline 1 Informative and grouped images must contain alternative text describing the purpose or meaning of the image(s). (Fail)
1.1.1 Non-text Content
The sponsor logos must have descriptive alternative text that accurately conveys their purpose or meaning. Ensure that each sponsor logo has a meaningful alt attribute that describes the brand or organization represented by the logo, rather than generic terms like 'logo' or leaving the alt attribute empty. Use a screen reader or WAVE extension to verify that each logo has appropriate and descriptive alt text.