Any functionality which is activated by device motion can be disabled.
Any functionality which is activated by device motion can be disabled.
WCAG 2 criterion
2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A)
Tools and requirements
Manual Assessment
Mobile device with gyroscope interaction
Test procedure
If there is any functionality where gyroscope motion is used to activate it, then there must be a way to fully disable the motion portion of the function. It can take the form of a button or other control, and it should be clearly labeled.
Finding functionality using gyroscope motion is going to be quite rare. Most sites you encounter will likely not include any such functionality.
AI Prompt
Copy to Clipboard
Create a PHP class in the namespace "App\Services\AccessibilityAnalyzer\GuidelineRules"
that extends "App\Services\AccessibilityAnalyzer\GuidelineRuleRunner" and is called "Guideline68" that has a function with the signature "protected function findApplicableElements(Crawler $crawler): Crawler". The base class includes the function "protected function isElementIncludedInAccessibilityTree(\DOMNode $element): bool" for determining if an element is included in the accessibility tree.
Web accessibility guideline:
## Any functionality which is activated by device motion can be disabled.
### WCAG 2 criterion
2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A)
### Tools and requirements
* Manual Assessment
* Mobile device with gyroscope interaction
### Test procedure
If there is any functionality where gyroscope motion is used to activate it, then there must be a way to fully disable the motion portion of the function. It can take the form of a button or other control, and it should be clearly labeled.
Finding functionality using gyroscope motion is going to be quite rare. Most sites you encounter will likely not include any such functionality.