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Cornell University

Web Accessibility Reviews

All pages have a title, which details the topic or purpose of the page. Titles should be organized from most-specific to least-specific.

WGAC 2 criterion 2.4.2 Page Titled (A)
Category Content

WCAG 2 criterion

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)

Tools and requirements

  • Siteimprove
  • Manual Evaluation

Test procedure

Siteimprove can test for the absence of a title. Any findings that Siteimprove reports for a lack of title should be reported under this criterion.

When doing manual testing, make note of the title of each page you assess. The title should be in order from most specific to least specific. That is to say, it should be in a <Page title> <Section title(s)> <Site title> order. If it is in reverse order, or the page title is not accurate, mark a failure for this criterion.